Exterior of Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas A/B Building - Sized Smaller


Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD) is managed by Oak View Group, an organization that specializes in sports, live entertainment, and hospitality. Please click the button below to search for career opportunities at KBHCCD or another OVG-managed venue.

Careers with Oak View Group

For career opportunities with our service partners, please explore the links below.

Sodexo Live!

Sodexo Live! is the exclusive food and beverage provider for Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas.

Careers with Sodexo Live!

Smart City Networks

Smart City Networks is the exclusive technology provider for Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas.

Careers with Smart City

Allied Universal Security Services

Allied Universal is the building (not event) security provider for Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas.

Careers with Allied

Aramark Facilities Management

Aramark Facilities Management is the exclusive housekeeping partner for Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas.

Careers with Aramark