Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD) is committed to supporting and encouraging sustainable practices.

Our dedication to resource conservation, sustainability, source reduction, and waste diversion is standard operating procedure. We pride ourselves on working with clients to host environmentally friendly meetings and offering “green” practices when possible.

Green Practices


Our maintenance and housekeeping staffs are trained to detect and report leaks for immediate repairs to conserve water.


We purchase and use environmentally friendly cleaning products, which in turn contribute to cleaner effluent.


  • High-speed dock doors mean efficient temperature control inside exhibit halls.
  • High-efficiency motors were installed throughout the HVAC system replacing old high energy-consuming motors.


  • We offer free recycling collection which helps to offset show and exhibitor costs for garbage collection.
  • Paper, cardboard, and metals are collected and recycled on a consistent basis.
  • More than 7.6 tons of unconsumed food has been donated to local non-profits, serving those in need.
  • All used cooking oil is collected for conversion to bio-diesel.
  • Our catering partner uses compostable utensils for all disposable applications.

Good Neighbor Program

As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainable practices and waste reduction, the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas operates the Good Neighbor Program, which allows us to donate unconsumed food and exhibit items to nonprofits serving homeless families and children in the Downtown Dallas area.

Together with our exclusive food and beverage partner, Sodexo Live!, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we are committed to reducing food waste through source reduction and food diversion. We have donated more than 7 tons of prepared and packaged food to local non-profits, serving those in need.

All food donations are reported through the EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge, which recently recognized the convention center for outstanding participation in Data Improvement within the Sports and Entertainment Venue sector. We are honored to have received this national recognition and thank our partners for joining our sustainable efforts.

We recently announced a partnership with Denali through Sodexo Live!, which allows us to repurpose non-consumable food items into compost, biofuel, and more. This non-consumable food would have previously been diverted to a landfill.

Clients and exhibitors can save on shipping costs by leaving usable registration bags, gifts, T-shirts, supplies, and other meeting-related consumer items with us. We’ll store the items, match them with an appropriate non-profit organization, and make the donation(s). This reduces costs for you, your attendees, and exhibitors and also reduces landfill space. For more ways to host a sustainable event at the KBHCCD, visit with your Event Manager.