Safety & Security
In case of an emergency, contact KBHCCD Security Dispatch at 214-939-2940.
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD) welcomes over a million visitors annually, providing world-class service in a safe and secure environment. Our security specialists are state-licensed, insured, and bonded. They have received 56 hours of comprehensive emergency, safety, and crowd management training. We provide the following services:
- Security: 24-hour patrol and emergency dispatch
- Guest Services: Ushers, ticket takers, floor agents and police
- Crowd Management: Traffic control and parking
- Alcohol Management: Uniformed security
- Training: Safety awareness programs
All attendees and event planners are encouraged to review our Safety Guide for more information about what to do during an emergency. Please contact our Assistant Manager of Safety & Security for help in developing your event’s Safety and Emergency Plan.
Download Our Safety Documents:
Downtown Dallas, Inc. and See Say
As a prominent presence in downtown Dallas, we work closely with Downtown Dallas, Inc. (DDI). DDI collaborates with the Dallas Police Department (DPD), DART Police, Downtown Security Directors Association, and other organizations to address public safety issues.
DDI offers a free app called See Say, which allows downtown visitors to securely report non-emergency issues. Users can anonymously report safety and cleanliness concerns and request a courtesy walk to and from their downtown destination(s).
Learn More About Downtown Dallas, Inc. Download the See Say App